Guilford College Class of 1962 Picture Gallery......
Karen Ljung Butler - Sara Lou Cardwell -
Norma Hamrick Drewery...................Jim Long - Brooks Haworth - Sara Lou Cardwell.............Karen Ljung Butler - Bob Rosier
Brooks Haworth-Mike Woyhan-Groome Fulton-Mike Samuel-Dave Anderson-Tom Whiteley-Lloyd Higgins-Phil Fulton..............Phil Fulton and Tommy Kemp
Golf Outing in Waynesville, NC.
Adrene Andrews - Frances Cook - Jane Coltrane - Norma Harwick Drewery - Mirian Almaquer - Judy Allen - Sara Lou Cardwell - Karen Ljung Butler
Our recent re-reunion was a great success. Ann Shelton Angel-Parker and Dwight and Becky Thomas did a wonderful job of getting everything organized.
Ann Shelton Angel-Parker..Carolyn Kirkman Harmon...Brenda
Smith...Susan Hester... Marie Riggs Brown
Ann lived at Mary Hobbs Hall, and there was a Mary Hobbs Hall Reunion at the New Garden Meeting House. Hobbs alumnae Met in the morning and there was a Renovation Presentation followed by a nice lunch. There was then a tour of Hobbs. Linda Mercer of Guilford was our contact for this event. (434-476-7947 -
There is no way we can ever thank Dwight and Becky Thomas enough for all their efforts. Their hospitality though the years has meant a lot to all of us from the class of 1962 and has helped to keep us together.
Phil Fulton & Linda Goble.................................... Norma Hamrick
Dave and Leah Edgerton
Last summer at Phillies Game - GO PHILLIES GO !
The Boar and Castle......we've all been there. See the "Stories" page for more details..................Betsy Winesett Spense--->.
..........................................................................Our recent 50th Reunionion
BOAR and CASTLE ................................................................................................SKY CASTLE
Fred Lomax did some flying (see his Piper Colt), but now does mostly Radio Control Model Flying.
Fred Lomax and wife Rosalyn
..........................Fred Lomax
So far I don't have many pictures....... I have to fill in with something, so............